Hi there Race Fans and Fellow Addicts,
This week's feature is a picture of the latest incarnation of Reno
Past. The aircraft is Jim Michaels' Miss Merced, Race #87. I took
this photo at Pylon 8 during the Bronze Race on Sunday, (which they
won). The team performed great with the "new" entry, qualifying at
just under 400 mph. The piloting duties were shared between Jim, and
Steve Bolander, (who was flying during this Race, by the way).The last
time this aircraft was seen at Reno, (in the early 70's), the paint was
a little different, with a white nose, and a mini canopy, ala Daryl G.
and Conquest 1. The aircraft showed great potential this year and I am
sure the Team and fans have great hopes for next year. So, that's it
for this week. I hope you enjoy the picture, and as always, you may
drop me a line if you wish a larger resolution photo. I hope the holiday
was good to you and we'll see you next week.
Thanks once again for visiting.
The Air Race Addict