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Go Strega!

Welcome Air Race Fans!
The virtual world you have just logged into is devoted to the Air Race Addict, specifically for those who are Unlimited Fans or "Big Iron Challenged". At this site you will find all of my favorite links, links to my previous attempts, as well as links to my current project. It is truly a work of love and a very time consuming endeavor. I hope that I can guide you on a journey that will be entertaining, educational, and more important, FUN!! In my earlier pages I have tried to provide a little background on myself as well as provide a glimpse of my experiences and the people that I have come to know over the last 18 years of going to the Reno Air Races. This is an attempt to refine the basic idea and make the site more orderly, (like that's possible)! Almost all photos have been taken by myself, and where they aren't, I give credit where credit is due.
You will find that my main interest is in the Unlimited Class. These are the biggest, baddest, fastest, and in my most humble opinion, most exciting of the various classes of Air Racers that race at Reno. I have links that will guide you to sites that have info regarding the other classes, if that is your line of interest. The classes I refer to are the T-6, F1, Sport Biplane, and Sport Class. Each of these classes are great on their own merit and I will give a little background for those who aren't "Big Iron Challenged";-) The only other place you might hear about these classes at this site, is somewhere in my reports for each day. It will be in passing, so I will provide a little background for these before I go to the meat of my site, the Unlimiteds.
T-6, Formula 1, Sport Biplane, & Sport Class Background
The T-6's are evenly matched and provide very competitive and entertaining Air Racing for the crowd. They additionally provide some nostalgia for alot of the seasoned citizens that attend each year. The T-6, (many names are attached to this most famous of all primary trainers, Texan, SNJ, Harvard, etc.), is still used today to provide basic training for lucky owners/pilots of more advanced aircraft like the P-51 Mustang, just as it was during World War II. I do refer to them occasionally in my rambling, so thought I would give a little background here. My Dad learned to fly in the Air Force Cadet Program in these old birds, so there is a little sentimental attachment to seeing these airplanes flying and, in some cases, restored to pristine condition. I made a page last Father's Day that gives the viewer some insight into my perspective on things. It is a tribute, more to my Dad and the other important people involved in my growth in the world of Aviation. It takes a little time to load because of an animation I made for it. Please click on this picture, take a look, and enjoy.
If you are interested in Formula racing, then the Formula 1 Class is the place for you. This area of Air Racing has some interesting aspects that might appeal to people who have a general interest in the world of homebuilt aircraft. These aircraft are certainly true bred racers that follow a formula of weight, wing area, and power. None are production aircraft but you would see several that have the same basic airframe. Cassutt seems to be a popular racer. This breed of racer harkens back to the early days of Air Racing, built from the ground up with one thing in mind. Racing of course! The state of the art is ever advancing though, as witnessed by the very special aircraft known as Nemesis, winner of the last 9, (1991-1999) Reno National Championship Air Races . This aircraft is destined for the Smithsonian. Jon Sharp, (owner and pilot), is developing the follow-up aircraft to be debuted at Reno 2001. It won't be entered in Formula one, though. It will be an entry in the Sport Class, and I am sure it will prove to be quite formidable.
The Sport Biplane class is in a class of it's own. You have to get up early to see these guys race. They like to race them before the day gets too long, I guess. These aircraft are biplane kit planes. Not exclussive, but quite proliferent are Pitts Specials. Pitts are very popular in the arena of aerobatics, very capable, though not really state of the art, but definitely worthy of having a class for themselves. Experimental in classification, the Sport Biplanes are fairly competitive in racing. The speeds aren't the fastest, but the aircraft are fun to watch, especially if one has a penchant for biplanes.
Last to speak of, but certainly not the least, is the Sport Class. The aircraft involved in this class remind me of the "Win on Sunday, Sell on Monday" mantra of NASCAR. These aircraft are kit built and have alot of space-age materials and processes involved in their construction. They are the "Unlimiteds" of the home built classes entered in the Reno National Championship Air Races. No particular Formula is apparent, other than that they are homebuilt aircraft based on production kits. Most have seating for four, state of the art avionics, and big, powerful, production powerplants. There are obviously a couple of planes that don't fall into the four seat plan, (Thunder Mustang, for example), and will probably end up in the Unlimited Class some day. With the few notable exceptions, these should, in my opinion, be considered the "family car racers". You can pack your wife and a couple kids in the airplane, (or your girlfriend and the dog), go to Reno for a few days, race, then fly everyone home, (hopefully with the trophy carefully strapped in the copilot's seat. Sorry honey;-). These are very cool aircraft, technologically speaking. State of the art in every sense of the phrase, these aircraft are fast. If this is your area of interest, I would suggest visiting the EAA website. I am sure there is plenty of information for one so inclined to look. The EAA is a very worthwhile organization that is involved in all aspects of experimental Aviation. This includes all areas of Air Racing. The people in this organization come from all over the world with all kinds of background. A true depository of information and expertise.
The Unlimited Racers
(or, The Reason for All of This in the First Place)
The Unlimited Air Racer is the reason I go to the Reno National Championship Air Races. I have always had an infinity for World War II aircraft. I have also felt that I was born about thirty years too late. My annual trek to the desert north of Reno is my way of compensating for that idea. Reno is the only place in the world where a person who is ate up like I am, can see more than one WWII era airplane in the air at one time, going extremely fast, (as they were designed to do), and flying in close proximity to each other and the ground, all at the same time. Although the Corsairs and Lightnings are absent over the Reno skies for the time being, the Mustangs, Bearcats, Sea Furies, and Yaks are still represented in many different guises.
From the fairly stock Mustang "Ole Yeller", formerly flown as the pace plane by none other than the previous owner, the Great Bob Hoover, to the super modified, racing Mustangs like Strega, (which happens to be the aircraft in my background), Dago Red, and Voodoo, the Mustang is well represented throughout the range. There are several examples of Sea Fury, from the "vintage" Spirit of Texas, to the high powered and sleek racer Critical Mass. In fact, they are so well represented that they have darn near taken over the Silver Class. Dreadnought, a 4360 powered Super Sea Fury has been a staple of the Gold Class with 2 wins under the belt. The Bearcats are not so plentiful, unfortunately. They basically sit at both ends of the spectrum, with two fairly stock Bearcats in the Bronze Class and the pure race prepared Bearcat known by the faithful Reno follower as Rare Bear, with no less than 7 Gold wins. Rare Bear and Lyle Shelton also hold several official records for propeller driven aircraft. This is the home of the brave, the fast, and the powerful. The Yaks are coming on as competitive entries. Sherman Smoot and Czeck Mate, Race #86 put up a great fight in "98", only to have an engine fire that forced an emergency landing. The results fortunately, were good for Sherman, but not so good for the airplane. I guess too much work to do for "99", and engine problems at R2k kept the plane out, but they'll be back.
Days until Reno Unlimiteds 2000.
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