Hi there Race Fans and Fellow Air Race/Airshow Addicts,
I am putting this photo up for the Airshow fans that might be feeling a little
bit neglected. This Mig 17 is one of two that perform as a team at Airshows all
over the U.S. They perform an exciting show with opposing manuevers and some high
energy manuevers that really showcase why this aircraft had been a front-line in-
terceptor and fighter for numerous Soviet Block countries as well as third world
countries. With afterburner blazing, the Mig 17 is very impressive at low altitudes,
as witnessed by the fans who have seen them in an Airshow environment. In the most
capable hands of these two gentlemen, the bright red aircraft are a joy to watch.
If they come to an Airshow near you, please drop by and say hi. Also, don't forget
to support their main sponsor, Stolichnaya Vodka, (if you imbibe), my favorite brand.
You can visit the Team Page by clicking HERE.
This year at Reno, (R2k), the two aircraft also participated in a jet demonstration
race, which included a T-33, L-39, and Jimmy Leeward in his beautiful silver Mig 17, (with afterburner blazing half way through the first lap). It was really very cool,
in my humble opinion. The fans gave a thumbs up and hopefully the Air Race Association
will be able to figure out a way to make it a permanent part of the Races.
Thanks once again for visiting.
The Air Race Addict