Collings Foundation B-17
Spokane, WA

Good afternoon and welcome to this edition of the Air Race
Addict's Favorite Photos. This week in Spokane, the Collings
Foundation B-17 and B-24 are once again visiting the Pacific
Northwest. These two aircraft are beautifully preserved and
have been making their annual pilgrimage around the country
for several years now. The aircraft are available for tours
for a nominal fee and for rides at $350 a pop, a value in my
opinion due to scarcity of these two aircraft and the "once
in a lifetime" opportunity for a chance to fly for a short
period of time in a historic aircraft. Much has been written
about the men who fought and died during World War II, over
the skies of Europe and Asia, but one cannot even remotely
understand or appreciate the conditions without riding in one
of these remarkable aircraft. So, please go out and show your
support for the education of America that the Collings Foundation
has as it's goal in bringing these aircraft to your back door.

I have a small gallery of pictures that I took last year when
they visited here in Spokane. You may visit the Collings Website
by clicking HERE, and my small gallery by clicking HERE.

That's it for this week.
Thanks again for visiting, and please, do come back.

The Air Race Addict